Monday, 23 October 2017

Washing Hair Too Much Is Reason For Hair Loss?

Hair issues are common these days. When people such issues so commonly they try to search reasons behind their excess hair loss and baldness. There are infinite reasons attached to it and it become little difficult to find out the actual reasons that has caused you such an adverse hair issues. Often people have myths about hair issues but sometimes it is true and sometimes it not. It is true that if wisely managed hair issues can be reduces to an extent but if reaches beyond your control it is a right time that you choose PRP Hair Loss Treatment at an advance hair clinic like Marmm Klinik so that right results can be found at right time.

When it is hair it needs similar care like the other body parts requires but then too much hair care may also costs you to lose your hair at an faster speed. It is true that if you dream of long and shinny hairs you need to keep your hair clean and pollution free but this doesn’t mean that you wash it on a daily routine. It is said from years that people wash hairs daily so that they look good each day but these days’ shampoos, soaps and conditioners have chemicals in them which when used daily affects the direct growth of hairs.

For actual hair growth protein known as Keratin is responsible. This is a type of oil that ensures the dehydration of the hair at the root level so that proper hair can grow each day. When you wash your hairs with several chemical each day it affects this dehydration making your hairs drier and harsh which leads to weakening of hairs and thus hairs start to shred faster. Even the hair specialties suggest that for better hair care it is ok to wash hairs twice a week so that necessary dust and other particles get washed away and hairs remain to be clean for proper growth.

If you are still washing your hairs daily, it is the right time you stop it because daily hair wash may cause many ill affects among which some are:

  1. It wipes out essential nutrition that is present for proper hair growth.
  2. It tends to fade hair colour faster.
  3. It also affects the shinny locks.
  4. It is common cause of increased split ends.
  5. It is expensive with harmful results.
  6. It dries out scalp faster.
  7. It requires time.

Thus this is very clear that if you wash it so frequently the hairs will dry with faster speed making it look dull and frizzy. It is sure that the more care you take for your hairs the better results you will observe but not at a cost of losing it so fast. Hairs are essential and so is its care but if you have already cross the lines and is not getting anything from hair care you must go for a PRP Hair Loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik for better hair results.  

Monday, 18 September 2017

Is Your Health The Reason For Hair Loss?

Hair loss or baldness takes place due to a severely disturbed hair growth cycle and this cycle is disturbed due to several genetic, hormonal, and environmental reasons. Most of the reasons for hair loss can be prevented except genetic and hormonal reasons. Genetic and hormonal reasons cause pattern hair loss that is only treatable if you visit an authentic clinic. Many people, at the severe stage of hair loss, choose PRP Hair Loss Treatment as well. However, if the problem is at its initial stage or it is a temporary hair loss, you may try to prevent it just making some changes in your lifestyle. In fact, hair loss may depend on your health and healthy or unhealthy lifestyle.
Let us find some healthy ways to keep your hair shiny and healthy:
All know that smoking is not a healthy habit and even smokers are aware of this fact. Smoking affects the blood supply in the scalp may disturb the natural hair growth cycle as well. Thus, if you stop smoking, it will be a considerable change of your unhealthy lifestyle.
Modern lifestyle cause stress and unfortunately you cannot avoid such stressful situation of the daily routine. As an obvious fact, stress is known to affect your overall health and hair as well. A stressful lifestyle can cause thinning of hair or other hair related problems.
Nutrient deficiency:
If you are facing hair loss problem, just not ignore this point. Nutrient deficiency can be a considerable cause of hair loss. Take the food rich in vitamins, zinc, iron etc. and ensure a healthy growth of your hair. There are various nutritional supplements available in the market, but you are advised to avoid them and if you really need them, meet with a nutrient expert.
Sleeping disorders or habits:
Bad sleeping habits affect your hair and ultimately your hair. Sometimes you have a bad habit to sleep late and it is also possible you have some sleeping disorders like snoring, sleep apnea etc. The cause may be different but the result is the same. Therefore, improving your sleeping habits is the only way to keep your hair healthy.
Hygiene and hair loss:
Hygienic habits play a vital role to keep the hair healthy. If your hair is oily and you spend a lot of time outside, you need to wash your hair regularly to remove dust and dirt from your hair. Do not ignore if you have dandruff since dandruff can lead to fungal infection.
Your health informs a lot about your hair. If you are weak and unhealthy, you can observe an increase in hair fall and decrease in the density of your hair. Therefore, like any other organ of the body, if you want to keep your healthy, try to keep your overall healthy level at a good level. Eat healthily, exercise daily, and follow hygienic habits and if you feel you are unable to control the situations, meet your hair expert soon to undergo PRP Hair Loss Treatment.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Reasons Why Hair Experts Recommend The Use of PRP treatment

PRP has always been a chosen option for hair loss patient who do not wish to go for any type of surgical hair treatment. PRP Hair Loss Treatment is sufficient in itself to ensure hair growth at the follicle level because in PRP the donor is the patient itself and the blood is taken out from patient’s body to achieve right hair growth in the patient’s bald areas. When done with advance procedures at an advance clinic like Marmm Klinik.

PRP is exciting therapy that negates the need of any sort of cuts or incisions just like the other hair treatment solution and then the blood is taken out from the patient itself which when injected into the affected areas of the patient helps achieve natural growth that resembles the real hairs. There are various reasons why PRP is suggested by experts for hair loss treatment some of which are:

  1. It is a non-surgical therapeutic option – PRP is the only successful hair treatment that does not require any sort of cut or incision for hair transplantation because in PRP blood is taken out through injection from patient’s body and after preparation injected back to donor area for hair growth.

  1. Patients are itself a donor – There is no need of external donor which reduces the risk of infections. Being the blood of donor itself when inserted it works on follicles level and exactly the same hair growth can be achieved which is already present.

  1. Simple and reliable process – PRP procedures are simple and trustworthy because it just involves injection and no detailed procedure for any sort of transplantation of the hair follicle. It does not either require any sort of stay at the clinic or any break from work.

  1. Trustworthy hair procedure – PRP procedure even though is the oldest hair solution for hair loss but still it is prevalent due to the trustworthy results it has created in hair loss patients. More than 90 % PRP hair treatments are successful if done an advance hair clinic like Marmm.

  1. Satisfactory results – The needs and requirements of hair loss patient may vary but the main need of hair loss patient is to acquire hairs that are healthy and stay for long with PRP this is possible because this ensure hair growth with the plasma rich platelet at the cell level.

  1. PRP results matched the original hair – The hair that comes after the PRP treatment are just like the real hair because they have been achieved by the natural process at the follicles level. These are permanent hair which can be cut, styles or colored back just like the original hairs.

With so much to offer PRP is a trusted hair solution recommend by hair experts and chosen by hair loss patients. PRP has so much to offer and if the PRP Hair Loss Treatment is performed by experienced hair doctor at advance hair clinic like Marmm Klinik it is sure that trustworthy and satisfactory results will be achieved.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

To Avoid Hair Loss Treat Your Scalp Not Your Hair

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is widely used by the experts due to its amazing effects on the scalp and the hair. However, this is only a myth that PRP works on the hair directly. Actually, PRP hair growth factors work on the hair follicles to supply the nutrients to the hair roots. The visible part of the hair is dead and not any treatment can supply the sufficient nutrients to the hair directly. Therefore, you have to consider the health of your scalp if you want to keep your hair healthy forever.
Root causes of hair loss
Every health problems have a reason to occur and hair loss is not the exception. Hair loss may occur due to multiple reasons such as unhealthy diet, stress, sleeplessness, hormones, genetic reasons etc. All of the reasons make the roots of the hair weak to cause hair loss.
Scalp diseases
A diseased scalp is the main reasons for severe hair loss. Technically hair loss is considered as a scalp disease along with patchy hair loss, alopecia areata, infections, fungus etc. an itchy and flaky skin is the main sign of an unhealthy scalp.
How to keep the scalp healthy?
As we see, the visible part of the hair is dead and the health of the hair depends on the health of hair follicles. in this situation, keeping the scalp healthy is the key to bringing a good healthy scalp. the following tips are helpful in keeping the scalp healthy:
Have a nutrient rich diet:
Consistent nutrient supply is needed for the overall health of skin and scalp. For keeping the health of your scalp stable, you have to consider the proper intake of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
Keep the scalp clean:
Washing your scalp is necessary along with your hair to keep it clean and dirt free. Your scalp may be dirty and oily and for this, you need to use a shampoo to clean the scalp properly.
Have a short hair cut:
Log hair styles make you good looking but long hairs have their own disadvantages. Long hairs catch dirt along with the scalp and it is not easy to clean the scalp with long hairs. You need to make extra efforts to make the shampoo reach the scalp to clean it deeply. The solution of these problems is a short hair cut.
Don’t ignore dandruff:
Dandruff may be a frequent disease and it can be a sign of serious scalp disease. If you have dandruff for a long time, you have to see a doctor soon.
Nothing is wrong in taking expert advice
When you feel your scalp is showing some serious signs like redness, flakes of skin, and swelling, you need to meet an expert to find the root cause of the symptoms.
With certain growth factors, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is very effective treatment for nourishing the hair roots to stimulate hair growth. Thus, if you are facing severe hair loss, you can choose this amazing treatment for long lasting results.

Monday, 31 July 2017

7 Simple Fixes for Early-Middle Stage Hair Loss

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is useful for the patients at any age and it works as an amazing non-surgical treatment for the people who do not like to have a surgical treatment. Generally, hair loss leads to baldness and then, the patients need a surgical treatment. However, for an early-middle aged person, hair loss is not so severe most of the time. At this age, various treatment can works amazingly for the patients. These simple fixes can bring positive results if the conditions are favorable and you are aware of the rules that are essential to keep the hair healthy.
Following simple fixes can eliminate your problem:
1. Changing the hairstyle:
As an easy solution, you may change your parting or you may have the parting in a zigzagged style. With the help of your hairdresser, you can apply different hairstyles as an experiment. There are a lot of hairstyles that you may use for extra bounce or thickness.
2. Have a blow dryer:
It is totally amazing if a blow dryer can solve the issue, Wet hair’s cuticles open slightly while shafts are bound together and when you blow dry the hair, the effect is just reverse. At this time, the hair looks fuller and thicker. So, don’t be later to purchase a low setting blow dryer. The low setting is necessary as the extreme heat may damage your hair. If the hair loss is minor, you can use a hairspray to fix your desired styles in the place.
3. Comb-over hairstyle
Brush your hair from the sides to the top of the head to hide the bald sites. This hair style is time-consuming but it can hide your bald sites. However, it is quite possible your secret is revealed so it is a risky fix. If the bare patch is too wide, the risk is even greater.
4. Nanofibres
Electrostatically charged nanofibers can be bought from the market and they are available in different shades according to your hair. You can sprinkle onto the hair to reach the level of satisfaction. Use a locking spray to lock then and of course, they can be washed out whenever you want. This idea is the best for light-medium hair loss but it should be used wisely and you should never use the locking spray excessively since overuse can make your hair stiff. Nanofibres are available in various brands so it is your choice according to your condition of the scalp.
5. In Spray form:
This is a similar idea to the above but it does not satisfy most of the time and there is a threat of chemical contact as well.
6. Hair fattening products:
Hair flattening products are available mostly online but they are said to be effective if they are bought from a reliable and established brand. These products contain silicone that coats the hair and your hair appear thicker.
7: Micro-pigmentation
Micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing is another way to hide the bald patches or thinning of hair. However, the expert must be qualified with a good range of satisfied clients.
If you are not satisfied with all of the above fixes, you can visit a PRP Hair Loss Treatment clinic and you will observe wonderful results soon. 

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Thursday, 13 July 2017

Clear The Scalp’s Pores For Healthy Hairs

Normal shedding of the hair is not a matter of consideration but if your hairs are falling, something wrong can happen in future and you must be prepared for this. Hair loss is not a rapid process. Most of the time, hair loss is increased in a pattern and finally leads to a receding hairline, balding temple areas, and a balding crown. Before the scalp full affected, you may have PRP Hair Loss Treatment for improving the disturbed hair cycle again. PRP is an effective treatment but it hardly works on a completely bald head. 

What does prevent the hair from growing?
If we observe the fact that most of the bald people have a shiny scalp. However, some of the people may not have a shiny surface on the head and this is a normal condition of the scalp. So, what is wrong with a shiny surface?
Human skin or scalp natural secretes natural oil that is called sebum and this oil is secreted by sebaceous glands. The main function of this oil is to protect and moisturize the scalp and hair. This sebum can be combined with other oils, cosmetic products, dead skin cells, and other pollutants to make a hard layer on the head. This hard layer of plaque can block the skin pores and then, the hair follicles cannot grow again.
Why should the layer be removed?
For making it possible to grow the hair again, this layer must be removed from the head. In simpler words, the pores of the scalp must not be choked by the plaque. Once the plaque layer is removed, the hair follicle then may grow easily and it gives the person a chance to grow his hair again.
How to remove the plaque?
There are a lot of homemade methods that can be used for removing the plaque from the scalp but it is better to meet a doctor before you try anything on your scalp. Hair restoration experts have a lot of trusted methods that really work to remove the layer and to let your hair grow again.
What happens when the layer is removed?
When the plaque is removed, the flow of blood towards the scalp is increased to promote the cell growth. Once the plaque is removed, the experts may apply other effective ways to nourish the hair follicles that are clogged by the plaque. You have a great chance to re-grow your hair again if the hard layer from the head is completely removed.
It is wise to remove the layer with the help of an expert who is going to treat you after the layer is removed as common people do not decide the further steps after the layer is removed. Only an expert may guide you for the next steps you have to take to re-grow your hair again. However, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is also considered as an advanced procedure to re-grow your hair. For the treatment, all you need it to meet an expert.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Say Good Bye to Hair Loss This Monsoon

Undoubtedly, rainy days are pleasant but if you are going to play in the rain, make sure that your hair is not damaged due to the rainy season. During the rainy season hair loss is a normal problem. The problems increase if the scalp and hair are oily. Dandruff and scalp infection is more likely to spread in the monsoon season as well. However, you have PRP Hair Loss Treatment for severe hair loss but making some changes in lifestyle during the rainy days may reduce your hair problems. if you are experiencing severe hair loss, the first step you have to take is fixing a meeting with the doctor soon and following the advice given by him. Some others steps are necessary to take for preventing further hair loss and making the problems less affecting.
Let us have some steps you can take to prevent your hair loss in rainy weather:

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo:
Use a mild shampoo 2-3 times in a week. It is necessary to wash your scalp and hair properly. During rainy days, the scalp is sweaty and sticky and therefore, your hair needs extra care to reduce hair fall. Therefore, washing it regularly is an essential daily activity. However, don’t use a hard shampoo and don’t use the shampoo excessively.
Keep your hair dry:
In rainy days, you cannot stop you enjoying in rain and it is quite natural but it is safe and good for your hair if you keep your hair dry. Keeping the hair dry prevents you from infections and dandruff. Wet hairs may damage or break easily due to humidity or dampness. Thus, make sure your hair is always dry.
Don’t comb when hair is wet:
Your hair roots are more likely to break when they are wet. Therefore, it is better to avoid combing when your hairs are wet. If you do so, it may result in mild or severe hair loss. Additionally, don’t tie your wet hair. If you must comb your hair when they are wet, use a wide-toothed comb.
Dry your hair properly:
A microfiber towel is the best to dry your hair for absorbing the water quickly.
Don’t use any hairstyle:
Avoiding the tight hairstyles during monsoon is necessary since the hair are moist in the rainy weather.
Massaging with good oil is good for your hair but overuse of it may damage your hair as the scalp is oily during the rainy season.
Eat healthily:
Avoid junk foods and eat a healthy diet that is full of protein, vitamin, minerals etc. During all the seasons, the hair requires a constant supply of nutrients. Therefore, taking a healthy diet is one of the best hair care tips.
Rainy season is enjoyable and it is a great experience to play in the rain but this season is considered as the season of infections and other diseases. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for hair and other parts of the body. If you still feel you are not able to prevent the hair loss, just meet a surgeon to have PRP Hair Loss Treatment and enjoy the rainy season with shiny and healthy hair.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Hair fall in women or men is not a matter of worrying most of the time but when it is severe, it brings a lot of psychological disorders like anxiety, stress, inferiority complex etc. This is a well-known fact that hair loss irritates you very much and it makes you shy and introvert in the social situations. However, hair loss is hardly related to any physical problems and this is not considered as a fatal disease. The hair experts have brought various high-class hair loss treatments like PRP Hair Loss Treatment with the help of which they are able to heal us physically and mentally. After the treatment, most of the people feel mentally relaxed and comfortable.
So, the hair loss is a reason of making you stressed but stress can bring hair loss as well. Do you know?
Stress is a psychological problem but it can cause severe physical problems and you may notice it by observing some physical signs when you are stressed like anxiety, tiredness, lack of concentration, headache, disturbed functions of stomach etc. According to the experts, severe hair loss can be one of the physical symptoms as well. 
How does Stress Cause Hair Loss?
Stressful conditions cause the release of stress hormones in the body like adrenal glands release adrenaline to increase bold flow and heat rate to help the person cope with the stressful situation. Stress is known to promote the production of androgens. These hormonal effects can affect adversely some parts of the body including hair.
Stress can cause the following conditions that finally lead to the hair loss:
Alopecia Areata:
It is also called patchy spot baldness. In this situation, a number of bald patches occur on the scalp.
Telogen Effluvium:
This is a severe hair loss situation.
In this condition, when one is stressed, he habitually pulls out hairs without any realization.
Normally, a higher level of stress or anxiety may cause telogen effluvium. It is a severe condition that takes place due to stress, trauma, the shock of the body.
Hair loss caused by stress is not always severe but at times, it can be excessive because of the disturbed hair growth cycle.
Reducing stress
Reducing stress is not a tough task and you can do it by bringing some changes in your lifestyle. You can use the following tips for reducing the stress that is causing hair loss:
        Use some relaxation techniques like Yoga, Meditation, Breathing etc.
        Spend some time doing your hobbies like drawing, dancing, reading etc.
        Spend some time with your friends and relatives
        Eat healthy diet
        Get enough sleep
Mental or physical stress is related to the physical problems of the body including severe hair loss. However, there are other factors that are responsible for hair loss and you must meet a doctor to find the exact reason. PRP Hair Loss Treatment is the best solution for all types of hair loss but it nice if you change your lifestyle to reduce stress.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Top 10 Dos and Don't s For Hair Loss

If you are facing mild or severe hair loss, you can go for a superior hair treatment called PRP Hair Loss Treatment. This treatment is one of the best hair restoration procedures that promote hair growth again. Besides meeting an expert, you can make some changes in your lifestyle to make the conditions less severe.
We have top 10 Dos and Don't s for the people who are facing hair loss problems nowadays. Check the list and change your lifestyle.
1. Eat healthily:
A healthy diet minimizes the diverse effects of hair loss as a constant supply of the nutrients is essential for healthy hair.
2. Keep the hair short:
Try to keep your hairs short. By doing this, you can observe the affected areas easily.
3. Be relaxed:
Stress is the main cause of hair loss. Therefore try to be relaxed and find the ways to reduce the level of physical or mental stress.
4. Avoid harmful chemicals and hair products:
Avoid the chemicals and products that are unknown to you. Does a proper research before you choose something for your hair.
5. Observe the changes:
Hair loss is a steady process that is not easy to be observed by most of the patients. you have to observe the pattern of hair loss daily.
6. Beware of seasonal effects:
Most of the people don’t know that seasonal effects play a major role in damaging your hair. don’t ignore to care your hair properly in a particular season.
7. Wash and condition your hair daily:
Wash your hair with using a good conditioner to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.
8. Use a comb:
Use a wide-toothed comb when your comb your hair.
9. Drink a lot of water:
Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. The proper level of water in the body is also essential for the health of your hair.
10. Sleep well:
Have a good sleep for keeping your mind fresh and your hair healthy because bad sleeping habits damage your hair. 
1. Worry:
Hair loss is a curable disease at any stage. Therefore, stop worrying and make a solid plan to fight with the hair loss.
2. Wear tight hairstyles:
Tight hairstyles bring traction alopecia (a severe baldness disease). Think twice before you wear excessively tight hairstyles.
3. Smoke:
Smoking is considered as a bad habit for the overall health of the body. It reduces the level of blood flow in the scalp resulting in hair loss.
4. Drink:
Drinking affects the hair and body adversely like smoking.
5. Wash your hair excessively:
Washing the hair is good for the health of hair but washing excessively makes them weaker.
6. Rub your wet hair:
When hair is wet, don’t rub with towel vigorously.
7. Pull your hair:
Pulling the hair tightly would be harmful to your already weak hair roots.
8. Use alternative treatments:
Using hair treatments without the advice of hair experts is not a wise decision. First, meet an expert and then start any treatment.
9. Ignore the conditions:
Ignoring the initial signs make the conditions more severe. You are a wise patient if you meet the expert at the right time.
10. Choose cheap options:
Always seek for the clinics of surgeons that offer high-quality treatments. Never choose cheap options for saving some money.
PRP Hair Loss Treatment is an effective treatment for the hair loss problems. You just need a good surgeon that is able to diagnose and treat you accordingly.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

What are the Reasons for Hair Loss?

Hair problems are not said to be harmful to the body but these problems affect the life of the individual seriously. Our Society relates hair to the beauty of both men and women. That is the reasons that both the genders are cautious of hair loss problems. Hair loss is a result of various causes and it is treatable if the cause of the disease is eliminated. Sometimes hair loss is permanent and needs a proper treatment like PRP Hair Loss Treatment. Some causes of the hair loss harm both genders while some affect only females.
Some extent of hair loss is a normal part of hair growth cycle. When the hairs fall, new hairs grow in their place but in some cases, new hairs stop to grow due to a disturbed hair growth cycle. When the percentage of hair loss is greater than the re-growth of the hair, it is called excessive hair loss. Most of the time, excessive hair loss is a treatable problem that is treated by eliminating the causes and certain medications.
Some of the main causes of hair loss are:

Nutritional deficiency is one of the main causes of hair loss. Low intake of protein may disturb the hair growth cycle. Moreover, deficiency of vitamin B complex and iron can also be harmful to hair growth.
Improper hair care:
Using different hair product without considering the effects can be dangerous for the health of the hairs. Tight modern hairstyles are claimed to weak the hair roots leading to hair loss. The hair loss due to tight hair styles is called traction alopecia.
Sleeping disorders like insomnia are considered as the main cause for hair loss. Sometimes, bad sleeping habits also trigger hair loss.
Thyroid imbalance
Chronic hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may cause temporary hair loss. The treatment of this type of hair loss takes several months to be treated.
Modern lifestyle is full of tensions that may cause a stressful body or mind. Stress may affect you physically or mentally. If we talk about physical effects, hair loss is one of the main physical sign of excessive stress.
Surgeries, accidents, chronic diseases may cause severe hair loss. Sometimes, emotional shocks cause temporary hair loss.
Certain medicines may cause complete hair loss. For example, the drugs used for treat cancer. After chemotherapy, the hair may completely fall out. Mostly, the hair re-grows after 3 to 10 months.
Hair loss in females
Some causes of the hair loss affect only women. Iron deficiency due to menstruation cycle is the main cause of hair loss in women. Sometimes, excessive physical or mental stress cause severe loss in women as well.
In any type of hair loss, the best idea is eliminating the root cause of the problem. Eating a nutritious diet and proper hair care helps in reducing the effects of the problem. Nowadays, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is considered as a prime treatment for the hair loss treatment. This treatment is based on the patient’s own blood that is used to extract platelet rich plasma or PRP. PRP is said to be extremely effective in all the stages of hair loss. If you are facing severe hair loss problems, you may try this treatment for the best and successful results.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

What to Wear to Bed to Cover Up Hair Loss

Each one of us has a desire to look gorgeous no matter of what we are suffering from. There are many ladies out there, who are suffering from hair loss and yet they carry their magnificently. In this post, I will give you few ideas to cover up hair loss smartly, when you are going to bed. Well, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is the best solution to fix the problem but still you must know these tricks to hide hair loss or bald area.

1. Tie up a headscarf

While going to bed make a habit of tying a scarf around your head to hide your baldness. However, this might take a little practice. You can buy beautiful head wrap and even rock your days at home or at office by twisting and tying it up into many different styles. You can hide your hair loss in most trendy way.

2. Put on Concealer

Nowadays, hair concealers are easily available in the market that easily hides your bald patches. You can even wear concealers to bed. There is no harm in putting on a little concealer to hide your hair loss at nights. However, you need to be careful as some concealers might rub off on pillowcases.

3. Wigs are your best friends

It is bit difficult to carry toppers or hair extensions at nights as there are so many clips that might be painful at nights. However, while going to bed you may put on your wigs as you can sleep comfortably with your favorite wigs throughout night.

4. Wear a breathable, super-soft head covering

This can be really easy to put on colorful, super soft head covering at nights. This looks trendy and on the other hand it also hides your hair loss effectively. Usually, this is worn by the people with no hairs but nowadays, it is in trend. So you can have good collection in all colors so that you can match it with your night dresses. Or you can even put on one single color daily.

5. Put on head Band 

This is one of the best options to go for. You can simply put on head band to hide hair loss in not time. Vintage headbands are also available online that looks super cute and simultaneously helps you in covering up hair loss.
Apart from these tricks, if you want to have permanent solution then you must undergo PRP Hair Loss Treatment.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Teens and Hair Loss: The Top 7 Causes

People have tendency to think that only old people face the problem of hair loss, but in actual, teens are also the sufferers. In this post, I will give some firm reasons as to why teenagers face hair loss problem. In general, there can be thousands of reason behind hair loss in early ages but in this post, I will discuss 7 main causes. If you are having excessive hair fall due to following causes then get the PRP Hair Loss Treatment right now.
7. Bad hair protocol
Generally, it is observed in girls that they follow bad hair protocol, and end up shedding hairs. Bad hair protocol might include washing hairs too frequently. Styling your hairs too often is the major reason behind the hair loss in women.
6. Anemia
When you intake low iron in your diet then you might be a patient of Anemia. This is mostly observed in women. Out of ten women, eight are suffering from anemia due to heavy menstruation or insufficient presence of folic acid in their body. This definitely results in Hair fall and hair thinning.
5. Protein deficiency
Teenagers usually have bad eating habits. They do not follow proper protein diet which is essential for hair growth. If you do not follow proper diet full of proteins then you will face hair thinning problems as our hair is made of a protein called keratin.
4. Medications
Consuming any kind of pills daily will definitely affect your hair health. Pills like birth control pills can have ill effects.
3. Extreme weight loss
Most of the teenagers forget their health when they are dieting. Men and women on crash dieting might face hair loss and hair thinning problem as they usually skip essential nutrients from their diet. Extreme weight loss after dieting will result in hair loss due to lack of essential nutrients.
2. Hair Styling
Teenagers forget about the ill effects of the hair styling tools and start using them regularly. Regular use of styling tools result in hair loss due to the heat causing hair damage.
1. Stress 
If a person is stressed then irrespective of the age, he will face hair loss. Teenagers might suffer hair loss due to stress.
There exist lots of other treatments for hair loss but the most recommended hair loss treatment is PRP hair loss treatment. It takes about 8 sessions that are suggested to be taken after every two weeks.

Top 10 Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Top 10 Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

As compared to men, women go through a lot of changes in her whole itinerary of life. Sometimes drastic change in hormones can be a significant factor of hair loss in women. However, there are lots of several other reasons responsible for hair loss in women. In this post, I will elaborate 10 major reasons for hair thinning or hair loss. Now days, ladies suffering from hair loss are undergoing PRP Hair Loss Treatment for hair restoration.
10. Bad hair protocol
In today’s world, girls make excessive use of hairstyling tools like strengtheners and curling iron that damages the hair shaft and effect the hair growth. Styling your hairs too often is the major reason behind the hair loss in women.
9. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome causes hair loss in women. This is the condition when female hormones are secreted in surplus and a small fluid-like sac is formed in the ovaries known as cysts.This occurs mainly due to hormonal imbalances in your body.
When you intake low iron in your diet then you might be a patient of Anemia. Out of ten women, eight are suffering from anemic due to heavy menstruation or insufficient presence of folic acid in their body. This definitely results in Hair fall and hair thinning.
When a woman hit menopause then in maximum cases they experience hair loss.
After giving birth to their babies, women generally experience hair fall. The reason is that there is a peak in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy. However, after few weeks it is in control.

5. Protein deficiency
If you do not follow proper diet full of proteins then you might face hair thinning problems as our hair is made of a protein called keratin.  
4. Medications
Women taking some kind of pills daily might affect the hair growth. Pills like birth control pills can have ill effects.
3. Extreme weight loss
Women on crash dieting might face hair loss and hair thinning problem as they may skip essential nutrients from their diet.
2. Medical illnesses like thyroid disease
Some diseases like Thyroid and diabetes may lead to problems like hair loss.
1. Chronic medical conditions
Psoriasis is a skin disease that comes under chronic medical condition affecting the scalp and hair follicles of a woman. Affected hair follicles stop the hair growth and weaken the hair, thus leading to hair fall.
Women suffering from hair fall must visit the best dermatologist in the city as soon as possible. They will determine the real reason behind the hair fall and will let you know the solution for it. Most of the doctors are recommending PRP hair loss treatment for better results.