Friday, 9 June 2017

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Hair fall in women or men is not a matter of worrying most of the time but when it is severe, it brings a lot of psychological disorders like anxiety, stress, inferiority complex etc. This is a well-known fact that hair loss irritates you very much and it makes you shy and introvert in the social situations. However, hair loss is hardly related to any physical problems and this is not considered as a fatal disease. The hair experts have brought various high-class hair loss treatments like PRP Hair Loss Treatment with the help of which they are able to heal us physically and mentally. After the treatment, most of the people feel mentally relaxed and comfortable.
So, the hair loss is a reason of making you stressed but stress can bring hair loss as well. Do you know?
Stress is a psychological problem but it can cause severe physical problems and you may notice it by observing some physical signs when you are stressed like anxiety, tiredness, lack of concentration, headache, disturbed functions of stomach etc. According to the experts, severe hair loss can be one of the physical symptoms as well. 
How does Stress Cause Hair Loss?
Stressful conditions cause the release of stress hormones in the body like adrenal glands release adrenaline to increase bold flow and heat rate to help the person cope with the stressful situation. Stress is known to promote the production of androgens. These hormonal effects can affect adversely some parts of the body including hair.
Stress can cause the following conditions that finally lead to the hair loss:
Alopecia Areata:
It is also called patchy spot baldness. In this situation, a number of bald patches occur on the scalp.
Telogen Effluvium:
This is a severe hair loss situation.
In this condition, when one is stressed, he habitually pulls out hairs without any realization.
Normally, a higher level of stress or anxiety may cause telogen effluvium. It is a severe condition that takes place due to stress, trauma, the shock of the body.
Hair loss caused by stress is not always severe but at times, it can be excessive because of the disturbed hair growth cycle.
Reducing stress
Reducing stress is not a tough task and you can do it by bringing some changes in your lifestyle. You can use the following tips for reducing the stress that is causing hair loss:
        Use some relaxation techniques like Yoga, Meditation, Breathing etc.
        Spend some time doing your hobbies like drawing, dancing, reading etc.
        Spend some time with your friends and relatives
        Eat healthy diet
        Get enough sleep
Mental or physical stress is related to the physical problems of the body including severe hair loss. However, there are other factors that are responsible for hair loss and you must meet a doctor to find the exact reason. PRP Hair Loss Treatment is the best solution for all types of hair loss but it nice if you change your lifestyle to reduce stress.

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