Monday, 31 July 2017

7 Simple Fixes for Early-Middle Stage Hair Loss

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is useful for the patients at any age and it works as an amazing non-surgical treatment for the people who do not like to have a surgical treatment. Generally, hair loss leads to baldness and then, the patients need a surgical treatment. However, for an early-middle aged person, hair loss is not so severe most of the time. At this age, various treatment can works amazingly for the patients. These simple fixes can bring positive results if the conditions are favorable and you are aware of the rules that are essential to keep the hair healthy.
Following simple fixes can eliminate your problem:
1. Changing the hairstyle:
As an easy solution, you may change your parting or you may have the parting in a zigzagged style. With the help of your hairdresser, you can apply different hairstyles as an experiment. There are a lot of hairstyles that you may use for extra bounce or thickness.
2. Have a blow dryer:
It is totally amazing if a blow dryer can solve the issue, Wet hair’s cuticles open slightly while shafts are bound together and when you blow dry the hair, the effect is just reverse. At this time, the hair looks fuller and thicker. So, don’t be later to purchase a low setting blow dryer. The low setting is necessary as the extreme heat may damage your hair. If the hair loss is minor, you can use a hairspray to fix your desired styles in the place.
3. Comb-over hairstyle
Brush your hair from the sides to the top of the head to hide the bald sites. This hair style is time-consuming but it can hide your bald sites. However, it is quite possible your secret is revealed so it is a risky fix. If the bare patch is too wide, the risk is even greater.
4. Nanofibres
Electrostatically charged nanofibers can be bought from the market and they are available in different shades according to your hair. You can sprinkle onto the hair to reach the level of satisfaction. Use a locking spray to lock then and of course, they can be washed out whenever you want. This idea is the best for light-medium hair loss but it should be used wisely and you should never use the locking spray excessively since overuse can make your hair stiff. Nanofibres are available in various brands so it is your choice according to your condition of the scalp.
5. In Spray form:
This is a similar idea to the above but it does not satisfy most of the time and there is a threat of chemical contact as well.
6. Hair fattening products:
Hair flattening products are available mostly online but they are said to be effective if they are bought from a reliable and established brand. These products contain silicone that coats the hair and your hair appear thicker.
7: Micro-pigmentation
Micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing is another way to hide the bald patches or thinning of hair. However, the expert must be qualified with a good range of satisfied clients.
If you are not satisfied with all of the above fixes, you can visit a PRP Hair Loss Treatment clinic and you will observe wonderful results soon. 

बालों और त्वचा के लिए जरूरी 7 विटामिन


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