Wednesday, 16 August 2017

To Avoid Hair Loss Treat Your Scalp Not Your Hair

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is widely used by the experts due to its amazing effects on the scalp and the hair. However, this is only a myth that PRP works on the hair directly. Actually, PRP hair growth factors work on the hair follicles to supply the nutrients to the hair roots. The visible part of the hair is dead and not any treatment can supply the sufficient nutrients to the hair directly. Therefore, you have to consider the health of your scalp if you want to keep your hair healthy forever.
Root causes of hair loss
Every health problems have a reason to occur and hair loss is not the exception. Hair loss may occur due to multiple reasons such as unhealthy diet, stress, sleeplessness, hormones, genetic reasons etc. All of the reasons make the roots of the hair weak to cause hair loss.
Scalp diseases
A diseased scalp is the main reasons for severe hair loss. Technically hair loss is considered as a scalp disease along with patchy hair loss, alopecia areata, infections, fungus etc. an itchy and flaky skin is the main sign of an unhealthy scalp.
How to keep the scalp healthy?
As we see, the visible part of the hair is dead and the health of the hair depends on the health of hair follicles. in this situation, keeping the scalp healthy is the key to bringing a good healthy scalp. the following tips are helpful in keeping the scalp healthy:
Have a nutrient rich diet:
Consistent nutrient supply is needed for the overall health of skin and scalp. For keeping the health of your scalp stable, you have to consider the proper intake of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
Keep the scalp clean:
Washing your scalp is necessary along with your hair to keep it clean and dirt free. Your scalp may be dirty and oily and for this, you need to use a shampoo to clean the scalp properly.
Have a short hair cut:
Log hair styles make you good looking but long hairs have their own disadvantages. Long hairs catch dirt along with the scalp and it is not easy to clean the scalp with long hairs. You need to make extra efforts to make the shampoo reach the scalp to clean it deeply. The solution of these problems is a short hair cut.
Don’t ignore dandruff:
Dandruff may be a frequent disease and it can be a sign of serious scalp disease. If you have dandruff for a long time, you have to see a doctor soon.
Nothing is wrong in taking expert advice
When you feel your scalp is showing some serious signs like redness, flakes of skin, and swelling, you need to meet an expert to find the root cause of the symptoms.
With certain growth factors, PRP Hair Loss Treatment is very effective treatment for nourishing the hair roots to stimulate hair growth. Thus, if you are facing severe hair loss, you can choose this amazing treatment for long lasting results.