Thursday, 19 January 2017

Top 10 Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

As compared to men, women go through a lot of changes in her whole itinerary of life. Sometimes drastic change in hormones can be a significant factor of hair loss in women. However, there are lots of several other reasons responsible for hair loss in women. In this post, I will elaborate 10 major reasons for hair thinning or hair loss. Now days, ladies suffering from hair loss are undergoing PRP Hair Loss Treatment for hair restoration.
10. Bad hair protocol
In today’s world, girls make excessive use of hairstyling tools like strengtheners and curling iron that damages the hair shaft and effect the hair growth. Styling your hairs too often is the major reason behind the hair loss in women.
9. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome causes hair loss in women. This is the condition when female hormones are secreted in surplus and a small fluid-like sac is formed in the ovaries known as cysts.This occurs mainly due to hormonal imbalances in your body.
When you intake low iron in your diet then you might be a patient of Anemia. Out of ten women, eight are suffering from anemic due to heavy menstruation or insufficient presence of folic acid in their body. This definitely results in Hair fall and hair thinning.
When a woman hit menopause then in maximum cases they experience hair loss.
After giving birth to their babies, women generally experience hair fall. The reason is that there is a peak in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy. However, after few weeks it is in control.

5. Protein deficiency
If you do not follow proper diet full of proteins then you might face hair thinning problems as our hair is made of a protein called keratin.  
4. Medications
Women taking some kind of pills daily might affect the hair growth. Pills like birth control pills can have ill effects.
3. Extreme weight loss
Women on crash dieting might face hair loss and hair thinning problem as they may skip essential nutrients from their diet.
2. Medical illnesses like thyroid disease
Some diseases like Thyroid and diabetes may lead to problems like hair loss.
1. Chronic medical conditions
Psoriasis is a skin disease that comes under chronic medical condition affecting the scalp and hair follicles of a woman. Affected hair follicles stop the hair growth and weaken the hair, thus leading to hair fall.
Women suffering from hair fall must visit the best dermatologist in the city as soon as possible. They will determine the real reason behind the hair fall and will let you know the solution for it. Most of the doctors are recommending PRP hair loss treatment for better results.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

10 Super Foods To Prevent Hair Loss

Most of the people nowadays face hair loss problems due to different reasons. Reasons for the hair loss are different but one of the main reasons is poor healthy diet. Hair is just like others parts of the body that like nutrients to stay healthy. Hair needs protein, vitamins, iron and many other nutrients and when they do not get desired quantity of the nutrients, they start to fall due to the weakness of the hair follicles. For you awareness, we are going to tell you about 10 super foods that are essential for hair growth and must be added in your daily diet.
1. Spinach:
Spinach is an excellent source of nutrients and antioxidants. It contains iron, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin B, C, and E. All of these nutrients are vital for hair growth. Like spinach, other green vegetables have almost the same nutritional profile.
2. Dairy Products:
Low-fat dairy products like skim milk, yogurt and cheese have casein and whey that are rich in protein. Moreover, these dairy products are a great source of calcium.
3. Sunflower Seeds:
Sunflower seeds are rich in zinc, biotin, magnesium, calcium protein, potassium, selenium, copper, iron, vitamin B, vitamin E. They also have omega-6 fatty acids.
4. Bright-coloured Fruits:
Bright-coloured fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges, lemons, tomatoes etc. are considered highly nutritious for hair growth. 

5. Oats:
Oats are a great source of protein, zinc, copper and vitamin B. Besides these nutrients, oats contain some important minerals such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium etc.
6. Lentils:
Lentils are rich in biotin, protein, zinc and iron. These nutrients promote hair growth and strengthen the strands.
7. Beans
Beans are packed with B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, minerals, and zinc. Besides, beans are a great source of iron as well.
8. Nuts
Nuts are rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, healthy fats etc. All of these nutrients are necessary for preventing hair loss and dullness of the hair.
9. Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A by your body. Additionally, sweet potatoes contain copper, iron, protein and vitamin C.
10. Carrots:
Carrots are known as a great source of vitamin A and beta-carotene.
These super foods can be taken when you are facing hair loss problems. However, if you add these foods in your daily diet, you have no chance of suffering from hair loss. We hope you enjoyed the information given above.